Every time I was ask why do the gentoo-sources don’t include this feature, I have to describe that it is meant as a minimalistic kernel that should fit all users. Afterward the discussion starts how to integrate all the needed features into the gentoo-sources. I got tired always describing the process that is needed to get the required patches into there kernel tree. So I started creating my own patchset that includes all the requested features:
- tuxonice-3.0.1 - TuxOnIce for Linux
- acpi-dsdt-initrd-v0.9c - append correct dsdt to the initrd
- linux-execshield - a required patch for some binary only software
- cloneconfig - type make cloneconfig and the config of the running kernel will be used to config the new one
- colored-printk - BSD has it why not also linux (yes i really got asked for that kind of patch !)
- x86-tune-generic - tune kernel for new systems
- hz-432-option - the better choose for dualcore systems
- hz-864-option - the better choose for singlecore systems
- enable-4k-stacks-default - yes i am cracy
- defaults-fat-utf8 - yes really
- reiser4 - test new filesystem
- unionfs-2.5.1 - required for my work fai for gentoo
- tux3 - test new filesystem
- drm-modesetting-radeon - test the new server
- lirc - the upstream modules directly added to the kernel build
- atop - what should I say
- toshiba_acpi - one of my old laptops
- thinkpad-acpi-0.23 - one of my old laptops
- phc-intel-0.3.2 - save power
- phc-k8-0.0.92 - save power
You can find the sys-kernel/geos_one-sources in my linamh overlay